Our Services

Heating & Cooling Appliances

Service LP furnaces, hydronic systems and electric air conditioners.

Electrical & Electronics

Electrical Systems

Troubleshoot AC & DC electrical circuits, converters and inverters, coach batteries and solar systems.

Water Plumbing Systems

Service tanked and tankless hot water heaters, water pumps, repair leaks, perform winterization and de-winterization.

Brakes & Bearings

Inspect and service electric brakes, bearings and electromagnets.

Liquid Propane Systems

Installation and testing of LP cylinders, tanks, regulators and distribution system.

Weight Distribution Hitches

Properly size and install hitches according to specification and capacity.

Rodent Repellent

Mouse Free sprayed onto underbelly coating all drain lines, LP hoses, cables, gaps and seams. Non-toxic and minty smell

Roof Repairs

Inspect and repair damaged roofs.

Awning Repairs

Diagnose and repair motorized drive heads, awning structures, fabric, and slide toppers.

Our Fees


Industry flat rate x $129. We do not charge by the hour.

The flat rate to remove and replace a furnace circuit board is 0.67 hours, which is around 40 minutes, at $129 per hour. This makes the estimated cost $86.43 (0.67 x $129).

If the authorized repair takes longer than the industry flat rate the charge is still $86.43 before sales tax.

Trip Charge

$25 first 20 miles calculated from office to customer location then $1.50 per mile thereafter. All service calls are charged an on-site trip fee minimum of $25.


Job 1 distance from office to customer location measures 30-miles. Minimum $25 applies to first 20-miles, plus $15.00 for additional 10-miles at $1.50/mile = $40.00 total. We do not charge for the return trip to the office.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is calculated using Will County, Illinois of 8.5% and applied to new repair parts.